Vote for the best
in the Australian


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Vote for the best in the Australia

Every country has its highest mountain, deepest cave, largest river, biggest city, and the best, most popular, most respected individuals. Yes, that's the case in every country. And this website allows people from all over the world to vote and determine who truly deserves the title of the best in a particular country. Categories include the best singer, actor, actress, most beautiful woman, child, man, photo, city, and more. You can see the results above. Every person on the planet can vote once every 24 hours for anyone they choose. The prizes are not extravagant to prevent fraud. The greatest reward is the recognition given to those individuals who truly deserve it. We are confident that it will bring them joy, as well as those who share the same sentiments and vote for them. However, we maintain strict scrutiny. We monitor votes, access logs, IP addresses, and other factors to ensure fairness. If any irregularities are detected, we are fully aware that fraud could undermine the integrity of the entire contest. That's why we approach this contest with unwavering passion and strive to prevent dishonesty, forgery, and attacks. Many people may not agree with some of the results. There are also individuals who struggle to accept defeat, and when their preferred candidate doesn't secure the top spot, they immediately cry foul and claim fraud. However, we are committed to avoiding such situations at all costs. We understand that the credibility of our entire contest is at stake.

The best in the Australia

The United Kingdom is a captivating country with a diverse array of personalities. These personalities emerge from various fields such as culture, politics, and more. The natural beauty of this country is truly breathtaking, and its history is rich and diverse. The list could go on indefinitely. However, when we shift our focus to our own country, we discover a wealth of amazing individuals who have made a significant impact. We also uncover stunning cities and tourist destinations that we may not have realized existed in such abundance. That's precisely what makes this contest so remarkable – it showcases the country's beauty through the poll, allowing even its own residents to appreciate it. Take a moment to reflect on your own country and ask yourself: aren't you proud of it? How many remarkable personalities and talents does it possess? They flow through its veins, embodying the lifeblood of your country and nation.

The best - the worst in the Australia

For a significant period, we deliberated on whether to include a negative category – "the worst in the country" – alongside the positive categories of "the best, the biggest, the most beautiful." We approached this decision with care, hesitating and postponing it several times. We recognize that anger and hatred lead to no resolution; rather, they perpetuate a cycle. This is precisely why we were cautious about introducing this category. While it has already been published, we still question whether it was the right choice. We certainly do not want individuals driven by hatred to visit this platform and cast daily negative votes solely out of animosity. However, we believe that if there are individuals within a country causing harm, it is crucial to allow people to express their concerns and enlighten others. Yes, there are individuals who deserve the label of "the worst." And if a significant number of such votes are cast, perhaps change can be initiated.


1 year ago
i love Australian :lol:
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1 year ago
The Great Barrier Reef is really big, but you probably didn't know that it's roughly half the size of Texas.

Spanning over 1,400 miles, the world's largest coral reef system can even be seen from space!
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1 year ago
Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world

Tasmania, an island nation 150 miles off the coast of Australia, is famous not only for its Tasmanian devils, but also for having the cleanest air in the world. Go ahead, take a deep breath of cool air and explore the island's many beautiful spots, from Freycinet National Park to Cradle Mountain.
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1 year ago
Some areas of Australia are so isolated that students only commute to school twice a year. The teacher and students originally communicated via radio connections, which have recently been replaced by the Internet. To this day, however, the radio connection is still used in areas of more than 1.3 million km2.
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1 year ago
Australia is the owner of the longest fence in the world. The 5,614 kilometer long fence was originally built to stop the spread of rabbits into the country.

In Australia, 24 rabbits were introduced in 1859.

These cute bunnies were so prolific that within a few years their breeding was labeled as very aggressive. Due to their destructive activities, Australia had to use a whole range of measures to eliminate them, up to the construction of a huge fence.
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1 year ago
Did you know that Australia is also home to the most venomous snake in the world?

The great taipan has such an amount of venom that it would kill up to 100 people at once.
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1 year ago
Australia is the land of camels.

Camels were brought to the country in 1866. Then there were exactly one hundred, and today the population of wild camels has grown to more than 1 million.

It is the only country in the world where you can find herds of wild camels grazing freely in the wild. There are 10 times more camels than koalas in Australia, which is why they are also exported, and the main customer has become Saudi Arabia, which produces various delicacies from them.
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1 year ago
Today's Australia is very multicultural with indigenous peoples and migrants from around 200 countries. More than 200 different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia, including 45 different indigenous languages.

The most popular of these are English, Greek, Cantonese, Arabic, Vietnamese and Mandarin.
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1 year ago
Australia is the most sparsely populated continent in the world with approximately 24 million inhabitants.

But that's not all, he has double the kangaroos!

To help reduce the high population of kangaroos, the use of kangaroo meat for food has become commonplace, while sheep are raised here mainly for wool.
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1 year ago
There are more than 10,000 beaches in Australia.

It would take you more than 27 years if you wanted to stay on one of the beaches every day during your visit.

Over 80% of Australians live on a vast area of over 7.962 million square kilometers, usually within 100 kilometers of the coast.

All of Australia's capital cities were built along the coast, as nearly three-quarters of the country is unable to support any type of agriculture due to lack of water.
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Australia is a country located in the southern hemisphere, comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area. Australia is known for its diverse landscapes, including stunning coastlines, vast deserts, tropical rainforests, and unique wildlife such as kangaroos and koalas. The country is also recognized for its multicultural society, vibrant cities like Sydney and Melbourne, and its rich Indigenous heritage.