
The most beautiful woman in the Australia

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1 year ago
Beauty, including its various attributes, is associated with nature and everything that surrounds us, including all spiritual pleasures such as music, artwork, and literature. However, most frequently, we connect beauty with people whom we encounter constantly. We continuously evaluate how they affect us, whether we find them appealing or not. Are they beautiful? Are they ugly? Our assessments of others, as well as ourselves, are influenced by our mood and the patterns and models we have established.

So, what is the secret of beauty? This question has been asked for thousands of years. Let's pause at Plato, who answered it by stating that beauty is "perfection in proper proportion and harmony." Many others have expressed similar ideas using different words, but it can be summarized as "beauty is the harmony of individual parts."
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Jim Beam
1 year ago
According to the researchers, their footage explains why a woman can appear more or less beautiful when she has her hair cut. The aforementioned conditions can change with a haircut.
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1 year ago
So that's bullshit!
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1 year ago
It is easier for young and good-looking women to get to know each other, but for young men it is more difficult. Sometimes it motivates them to develop and grow so that there is more interest in them.
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Michael Bay
1 year ago
The 5th most unbeautiful woman for me is my secret lover. Maybe my wife doesn't know about her.
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1 year ago
Canada: Men and women always on the move, always in shape. The harsh conditions don't even allow them to do otherwise, and it shows in their character. In addition, the country is among the three most active when it comes to sex. Well, what else to do on long winter evenings...
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