This website has been created to measure public opinion on who the internet believes is the best individual in a particular country. There is no jury, no interference, only the people's voice and their perception of who possesses the largest and most devoted fan base.
Each person can vote once for each candidate in every category, with a limit of one vote per 24 hours. After voting, you have the option to leave a comment. The voting process is closely monitored by IP addresses. The winner is determined solely by the number of votes received and their rank in the standings, with the candidate securing the highest vote count claiming victory.
The contest operates without a jury and imposes no restrictions. It is important to note that some results may appear unusual, but such outcomes are entirely possible. For instance, if a candidate has a substantial fan base and shares the voting link on their social media, it may significantly influence the competition by engaging a larger number of fans within the country who are aware of the contest. We do not manipulate the contest in any way and remain impartial towards all participants. We greatly appreciate your understanding and kindly request that you cast your vote fairly and objectively.
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